Pay Per Click – What is it? – HTDMovieNews

Pay Per Click – What is it?

In this age of internet, everyone wants to do their business online, everyone’s eye is to stay two steps ahead of their fellow businessman, in such a situation, digital marketing has an important role in the rapidly growing technology. Today we will tell you in detail in this article What is Pay Per Click? Why is PPC used? What are the benefits of PPC? Will let you know about all its aspects. If you are a businessman or blogger and want to promote your product and service online, then this information will prove to be very important for you.

What is Pay Per Click? But before talking in detail, let’s talk about marketing. As we all know, no online or offline business can run without any marketing i.e. advertising etc. If you sell any of your services or products, then you need marketing for that so that everyone can know about you. For which we adopt all kinds of paths and have to bear a lot of expenses.

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Talking about offline marketing, we have often seen many types of posters, banners, hoardings etc. around us. Many times people also resort to advertisements like speakers or radio. But all these marketing avenues have become obsolete with the passage of time, in which more expenses but less benefits are available. Due to which the focus of all people is now on online marketing, which is cheap and a great option to keep your advertisement in front of others.

Maybe a question arises in your mind that how is online marketing a cheap option? So before proceeding, let us explain to you that in offline marketing, you have to pay a certain amount, whether or not someone buys your service after seeing that advertisement. In offline marketing, it is not necessary that the person viewing the advertisement is also interested in your product or service, but in online marketing you have this special option that you can show your advertisement to those people who are looking for products like you. Or they just need a service like yours. The benefit of which is that your advertisement reaches the right people and in return for the expenditure on your advertisement, the chances of you getting clients become many times more.

For example, if you understand this, suppose your company makes beauty creams for women, which is specially for women in the age group of 30 to 40 years. In such a situation, if you advertise your cream offline, then your hoardings, pamphlets, banners are not necessary only in front of women, men will also see them and apart from women of that particular age, women, men and children too. So, were you able to focus on a particular category from which you had to benefit? But if you do this promotion online, then you have many options like you can focus on any particular local area, age, gender from where more people are likely to show interest on your ad.

Let us now talk in detail about the importance of PPC for online marketing i.e. What is Pay Per Click?

What is Pay Per Click?

From the information given so far in the article, all of you must have got an idea that PPC i.e. Pay Per Click is the link of online marketing. Without which online advertising is not possible. You must have seen PPC Advertising very closely in your everyday life. Let us tell you how..

Whenever you search some of your queries on Google, there are always some links in the results obtained, on which a small Ads comes on the side. That is, a company or website is advertising its service or product. The path that that company or website has adopted to bring its link up is called PPC or Pay Per Click in the digital marketing world.

If you understand what is Pay Per Click by the name, then we can easily mean that pay per click means an advertisement for which you have to pay only when someone clicks on that advertisement of yours otherwise not.

In simple language, you can see it in such a way that if you are running any advertisement online then you will have to pay only when someone clicks on that advertisement and comes to your website or online page. Otherwise no charge will be taken from you.

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Use of PPC

Pay Per Click can be used by you or any ordinary person to easily sell any of our services or products, which does not require any special skills. PPC is being used by big companies to sell their products, so in today’s time many big institutes are also seen using PPC for their promotion. Pay per click is not limited to this only, but in today’s time it has also become a way for the promotion of political parties. If you are a blogger and want to bring your blog up without SEO or you think that you can help people with the help of advertising on a particular article, then you can choose Pay Per Click and if you are an entrepreneur. If so, it is not necessary that you do all the work yourself. You can outsource PPC Services to improve Ad Rank, Quality Score and Ad Management.

Benefits of Pay Per Click

If we look at the benefits of pay per click, then it proves to be helpful in many ways, such as –

  • If you are a blogger then you must know how much hard work and time is required in SEO, only after which the blog is able to rank in the search engine and even after that its ranking is sometimes not stable. In such a situation, if you want to keep your blog at the top, then PPC is very beneficial for you.
  • We all know that Google’s algorithm is updated from time to time, due to which our blogs sometimes come down or sometimes up. In such a situation, if you use PPC, then you do not need to see the rank of your blog, it will always appear in the advertisement above.
  • Pay Per Click What is it? Through the example before, as we explained, in today’s time, online marketing is a cheap and effective way instead of offline marketing.
  • Targeted audience can be reached through PPC, due to which you get more clients in business from whom you benefit.
  • In Pay Per Click, you do not need to carry a budget of lakhs. Even if your budget is less, you can show your advertisement accordingly.

Pay Per Click Pricing

Hope what is Pay Per Click? What are its uses and benefits? You must have understood well. Let us now talk about how its value is determined in PPC?

Generally, the value of PPC depends on two factors,

  • Location
  • Keyword

It is a matter of which the person is searching from which the person is searching for countries like Nepal Bhutan Pakistan for countries like Bangladesh, but if you want to work on a large country like America, Dubai, UK, Canada. So you may have to pay expensive advertising.

PPC pricing is also based on Keyword. If your keyword is related to Loan, Insurance, Health etc. If you need to run a good price advertisement otherwise you can run your ad cheap by focusing on LOW CPC keywords.

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History of PPC

Talking about the history of Pay Per Click, it was first used by the company in 1998, after which Google started working on it in 1999 and Adword was launched. Although Pay Per Click came in front of everyone in the right way in 2002, but then it was paid keeping in mind the per thousand views.

PPC Advertising Company

  • Google Adword
  • Yahoo Search Marketing
  • Microsoft Adcenter

If you want to run PPC ads, then let us tell you, Google Adword, Yahoo Search Marketing, Microsoft Adcenter are the main three network operators.

So friends it was What is Pay Per Click? How does this work ? What are its benefits? All related information. Hope the information related to PPC has been helpful for you. If you have any question related to Pay Per Click in your mind, then you can feel free to ask us through commentbox or mail.

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